Archive for June, 2013
Tropical Storm Andrea
Tropical Storm Andrea formed in the Florida Gulf Coast just a few days into the 2013 hurricane season. As of this evening, models from the National Hurricane Center indicate Andrea will impact areas served by AUXCOMM late this week.
Interests along the US East Coast are urged to monitor NOAA Weather Radio, local weather forecast products, as well as the National Hurricane Center.
ARRL Attack on the NIMS/ICS/AUXCOMM Model
Excerpts from an ARRL presentation by Dan Henderson, N1ND, given at RARsfest on March 30, 2013. This presentation had nothing to do with Emergency Preparedness… unfortunately. Instead, Dan took this opportunity to repeatedly attack the NIMS/ICS training model and bark orders from ARRL HQ in Newington.
OEC AUXCOMM training class held at the N.C. State EOC
Amateur Radio is a hobby.
Emergency Communications is a commitment.
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